Greendale, DEV, UK

picture of Greendale Devon Cider Medium submitted by RichardH22
picture of Greendale Devon Cider Medium submitted by RichardH22

Devon Cider Medium

ABV: 4.8%
500 ml serving:

English style cider. Semi-sweet, and smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer Judge
Judge (20927) said:
Pale yellow colour, clear with moderate light carbonation. Light application and farmyard aroma. Crisp fresh apple with a touch of funk but not a lot going on.
Reviewed on 13 Jun 2023
reviewer RichardH22
RichardH22 (1982) said:
This medium cider from Greendale is slightly sparkling with a light golden colour. Made from bittersweet apples which makes this a very fresh, crisp refreshing cider. Easy to drink and very enjoyable
Reviewed on 01 Jun 2023

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