CiderExpert Score

CiderExpert is a community-built resource. The ratings, reviews, photos, and even the lists of ciders have all been contributed by CiderExpert users. Each user's score reflects their contributions to building up this resource.

Thus the score is based on the following activities:

  • Assigning ratings ("Do you like?" star ratings)
  • Evaluate tasting properties (rate sweetness, tartness, etc.)
  • Writing reviews
  • Having other users "like" your review
  • Finding new ciders to add to the site
  • Correcting existing cider entries
  • Adding photographs
  • Checking in at places (bars/pubs/stores) that have cider
  • Inviting friends to join CiderExpert (and the friends joining and participating, of course)

Because of these contributions, CiderExpert can provide diverse views on a wide range of ciders, guide people to places around the world to find cider, and have the information needed to supply personalized recommendations.