AS Aldaris, LV

picture of AS Aldaris Zelta Blackcurrant submitted by BushWalker
picture of AS Aldaris Zelta Blackcurrant submitted by BushWalker

Zelta Blackcurrant

ABV: 4.5%
500 ml serving:

Cider with blackcurrant. Sweet, with rich fruit aroma.

Taste Properties


reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
Comes in a 500 ml can. This is one of the cider/beer hybrids which seem to be popular in Poland and the Baltic States. Malted barley is added to the pressed apple juice, and fermented together. Dark pink colour, with a strong aroma of blackcurrant candy. The flavour is quite artificial, and strongly of blackcurrant, but a bitterness comes through in the aftertaste, leaving a vague maltiness in the finish. Quite refreshing in its way, but not really a cider, to my mind, and certainly not a quality one.
Reviewed on 26 Jul 2019

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