Blackmore Vale

Blackmore Vale

Templecombe, Somerset, United Kingdom


Recent Reviews

Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Copper coloured, lightly hazy and still. This is labelled as by the Cider Shack in collaboration with... [more]
Reviewed on 30 Dec 2020
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Dark amber, still and slightly hazy. Fruity deep aroma almost of dessert wine with some plum. Smooth... [more]
Reviewed on 02 Mar 2019
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Lovely aroma with strong apple. Incredibly fruity flavour.
Reviewed on 23 Feb 2019
danlo (1224) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
500ml bottle from Dike & Son online. Yellow golden colour, no head and aroma of tart apple, woody, barnyard... [more]
Reviewed on 24 Jul 2017

Approximate location of cidery