

Chantada, Galicia, Spain


Picture of Audra Seca
Average Rating
Picture of Blackberry
Average Rating
Picture of cidra natural ecologica
Average Rating
Picture of Dry Apple
Average Rating
Picture of Pear
Average Rating
Picture of Pineapple & Pear
Average Rating
Picture of Sidra Dulce
Average Rating
Picture of Sidra pina & pera
Average Rating
Picture of Sidra Seca
Average Rating
Picture of Strawberry
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

RichardH22 (1871) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Dark red strawberry flavoured Spanish 'Sidra' This is a very sweet rich fruity cider enjoyed over ice but... [more]
Reviewed on 06 Jun 2023
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Light copper coloured, clear with moderate heavy fizz. Fresh apple and toffee aroma. Despite the aroma... [more]
Reviewed on 19 Feb 2022
ArchieandEva (9) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
This tasted awful! Had a burnt rubber taste. I had to pour it out!
Reviewed on 13 Apr 2020
Laurelp (23) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
It tastes like ass! Aftertaste tastes like ass! It left an awful taste in my nose. Couldn’t take more than... [more]
Reviewed on 20 Jan 2019
BushWalker (13103) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Comes in a 330 ml bottle. Dark red, with an aroma of strawberry foliage and heavy, stale, old rose scent... [more]

Approximate location of cidery