

Picture of Angry Lemon
Average Rating
Picture of Cross
Average Rating
Picture of Jean
Average Rating
Picture of Savanna Dry Cider
Average Rating
Picture of Savanna Light
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

PricklyCider (4932) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
The pour is a carbonated clear pale yellow (silvery). The aroma is slightly sour apple. The taste semi-sweet... [more]
Reviewed on 25 Mar 2024
Ian_Hunts (427) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Not a lot of taste to it, certainly no apples, a bit bitter and thin.
Reviewed on 23 Oct 2021
Sal_Cal (227) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Not much of a flavor to it. Nothing to make it stand out. Semi-dry, crisp, lovely yellow color, slightly... [more]
Reviewed on 06 Sep 2021
Lars (93) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
If you're into the more dry ciders. You will love this one, even if you're like me and prefer easy sweet... [more]
Reviewed on 28 Sep 2019
CarlAndreasMyrland (5) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Very good cider. No nonsense. Clean, crisp and refreshing. I'd love a bit more acidity on the finish, and... [more]
Reviewed on 18 May 2019