Sidra Del Verano


Picture of Apple & Pear
Average Rating
Picture of Spanish Apple
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

KevinG (158) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
sweet aroma of bubblegum and apples. slightly sparkling, nice fruit, but a bit too sweet for my taste
Reviewed on 04 Oct 2019
Brett (145) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
I really liked this at first, but I like it a bit less with each bottle. There's certainly nothing wrong... [more]
Reviewed on 06 Apr 2019
KariB (11007) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Clear light golden pour. Has a great lightly sweet apple taste.
Reviewed on 05 Oct 2017
DoubleCider (240) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Found at Trader Joe's. Very sweet with added sugar. Decent flavor, but a bit too sweet for my liking.
Reviewed on 02 Jul 2017
GreggOgorzelec (1441) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Very quaffable but ultimately too sweet. Good Apple and pear flavors.
Reviewed on 02 Jul 2017