Snails Bank

Snails Bank

Worcester, Herefordshire, United Kingdom


Picture of Apple & Ginger
Average Rating
Picture of Apple Dappley
Average Rating
Picture of Apple Hog
Average Rating
Picture of Banoffee Pie
Average Rating
Picture of Black Forest
Average Rating
Picture of Damson in a dress
Average Rating
Picture of dry another day
Average Rating
Picture of Elderflower, Gin & Tonic
Average Rating
Picture of Fruit Bat
Average Rating
Picture of Mango
Average Rating
Picture of Orchard Dry
Average Rating
Picture of Peach Melba
Average Rating
Picture of Perry Bomb
Average Rating
Picture of Pig Squeal
Average Rating
Picture of Pineapple & Pink Grapefruit
Picture of Raspberry Ripple
Average Rating
Picture of Rhubarb
Average Rating
Picture of Spiced Rum
Average Rating
Picture of Tumbledown
Average Rating
Picture of Very Perry
Average Rating
Picture of Winder
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

cidrtikmick (2051) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Golden, quite turbid, not so much dry as unpleasantly soapy.
Reviewed on 08 Jul 2024
cidrtikmick (2051) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Light bronze, sweetish, mine not turbid.
berty30 (1445) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 12 May 2024
berty30 (1445) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 11 Feb 2024
overground (87) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Extremely smooth, almost Christmassy. Really complex
Reviewed on 04 Feb 2024

Approximate location of cidery