The Newt

The Newt

Bruton, Somerset, United Kingdom
Distribution range: National

Order from the cidery

Order your cider from: Online shop for The Newt
Ships to these countries: United Kingdom


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Picture of Barrel Aged Vilberie 2020
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Picture of Dabinett Cyder 2020
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Recent Reviews

Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Golden colour, clear and has light fizz. Branded as a single variety cider this has added frozen Dabinett... [more]
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Dark golden colour, clear and still. Made from Yarlington Mill, Harry Masters Jersey and the eating apple... [more]
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Copper coloured, moderate to light fizz and clear. This is made from the two named apples but also has... [more]
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Golden colour, clear and still. Grapefruit and satsuma in the aroma. Flavour has orange and lots of honey... [more]
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Amber colour, clear and has light fizz. Single variety cider. Light baked apple aroma. Ripe apple juice... [more]

Approximate location of cidery