Samuel Smith, NYK, UK

picture of Samuel Smith Samuel Smith Organic Cider submitted by herharmony23
picture of Samuel Smith Samuel Smith Organic Cider submitted by herharmony23

Samuel Smith Organic Cider

ABV: 5.0%
550 ml serving: 118 cal, 7.2g sugar

English style cider, certified organic. Dry, smooth tasting, and mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer PricklyCider
PricklyCider (5008) said:
The pour is a clear gold with medium to high effervescence. The aroma is apple and earthy. The taste is semi dry apple and tart with notes of farmhouse. The finish is medium acidic and slightly astringent. There is a moderate amount of mouthfeel and body. I like it.
Reviewed on 31 Oct 2019

reviewer Kavi
Kavi (164) said:
One of the best organic cider i drinked so far! Light golden color, with a natural red apple taste and a slight tone of cinnamon. Invites to drink more than one. Didnt taste to dry or bitter, but has a slight undefined aftertaste which isnt to dramatic but leads me to a 4.5. Definitely a one you should try and an excellent, if not the top candidate for one of the best organic cider
Reviewed on 28 Oct 2022
reviewer IanWhitlock
IanWhitlock (1734) said:
Wasn't too sure at first, as it tasted a bit bland and unremarkable, but by the second and third draught, the real taste came through. Apparently made at the oldest brewery in Yorkshire, and the care and attention really comes through. A wonderful golden colour coupled with a distinctive apple and woodsmoke flavour makes this a cider well worth trying, and at 5% ABV and in a 550ml bottle, its a perfect organic drink.
Reviewed on 02 Jul 2021

reviewer NancyMerrell
NancyMerrell (357) said:
One of the best apple ciders I have tasted in a while. Runs right to the back of the tongue, smooth, and a nice blend of sweet and then sour apples. A pure drink that embodies all things great about hard cider.
Reviewed on 16 Mar 2020
reviewer herharmony23
herharmony23 (2599) said:
I was at the actual Cidery outlet store in Tadcaster which is where I first had this cider. I had it again last night in an Indian restaurant of all things. From a bottle. It's really one of my favorites! Light clean taste and very refreshing.
Reviewed on 01 Oct 2015
reviewer ThomasM
ThomasM (926) said:
Samuel Smith's Organic Cider is made from unspecified apples, which may be a moot point given that it's made from concentrate. The colour is deep clear golden (or bright clear amber if you like). The aroma features ripe sweet apples, quite a bit of vinegar, mild apple skins. Turns out that this is the only "mild" thing about it; well, this and the moderate carbonation. The first sip reveals intensely fruity, apple-y flavour, and its equally intense initial sweetness is then quickly balanced by a hefty dose of vinegar. The vinegar lasts into the finish, which is quite dry at first but segues into a strong and sweet aftertaste. Some people describe this as "light" and "delicate" - but it's the exact opposite: Everything is cranked up all the way to eleven - the fruitiness, the vinegar, the sugar - clearly, this is a "carefully engineered" cider alcopop not unlike those of the very popular Swedish brands of Rekorderlig or Kopparberg, who also add sugar - and aromas - to their product. Whether you find this impressive or OPpressive is up to you. It's most definitely not a natural product. Why did they bother to use concentrate from organic apples? Well, for marketing reasons of course. One word of advice: Only drink this cider while it's chilled. When it warms up: Oh, boy! 6/10
Reviewed on 08 Oct 2023
reviewer eurotwelve
eurotwelve (54) said:
Not too sweet, the flavor is just a bit bland.
Reviewed on 07 Aug 2018
reviewer KariB
KariB (11013) said:
Clear golden pour. Light bodied. Simple apple taste with a hint of tartness and earth.
Reviewed on 20 Feb 2018
reviewer danlo
danlo (1224) said:
Quite OK cider. Clear pale yellow colour, fizzy white head that quickly dissipates away and aroma of apples, spice, alittle woody. Taste is slightly tart apple with some spice and an earthy note. Light bodied, high carbonation, dry & tart at the finish. 500ml bottle.
Reviewed on 24 Sep 2017
reviewer Myopic_Celiac
Myopic_Celiac (57) said:
Samuel Smith's is one of my all time favourites. I've found it in Virginia, Maryland, and Colorado. It's a lovely British cider, though oddly enough I've never found it in UK. Somerset ciders will always be the best in my book. I've had the pleasure of sampling small batch local ciders all over UK, and I'm happy to have Samuel Smith's available year round.
Reviewed on 04 Oct 2016
reviewer Judge
Judge (20129) said:
Yellow colour, clear with light fizz. Chemical apple aroma. Mineral flavour. Made from concentrate with added sugar.
Reviewed on 18 Jul 2021
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13104) said:
Comes in a 550 ml bottle. The aroma is slightly malty, becoming woody. Nice pale gold colour. Flavour is initially light and crisp, becoming dry and tart, with earthy tones. Acceptable, but unexceptional. Was expecting a little more of this.
Reviewed on 27 Oct 2017

reviewer OxfordFarmhouse
OxfordFarmhouse (701) said:
Found a bottle of this at the Pint Shop in Oxford. Lots of additives put me off initially, but it is a pleasant cider with a vanilla aftertaste. I prefer something deeper with richer flavour.
Reviewed on 18 Mar 2017
reviewer BigMurrPhD
BigMurrPhD (540) said:
Great apple flavor. Kinda tastes like how I imagine a traditional English cider would taste.
Reviewed on 16 Jun 2023
1 like
reviewer limeri
limeri (276) said:
On the dry side of semidry. Slightly funky taste.
Reviewed on 21 Mar 2020
1 like
reviewer KatieRobbins
KatieRobbins (12) said:
easy to drink, light, standard cider
Reviewed on 23 Sep 2017
1 like
reviewer Ashley_Lombardo
Ashley_Lombardo (238) said:
too sweet for me.
Reviewed on 23 Sep 2017

Other ciders from Samuel Smith