

Southwold, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Order from the cidery

Ships to these countries: United Kingdom


Picture of Wild Wave
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

IanWhitlock (1734) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Very nice cider from Adnams of Southwold. Rich golden colour and subtle apple only aroma, with just enough... [more]
Judge (20126) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Golden colour, light fizz and clear. Apple brandy aroma. Light apple flavour. A brewery making cider.
ChristianHoult (112) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Quite possibly the nicest cider I’ve ever had. A great easy drinker. Very fruity.
Reviewed on 01 Oct 2021
BushWalker (13104) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Comes in a 330 ml can. Golden colour, with a salted caramel aroma. Crisp fruit flavour, with caramel... [more]

Approximate location of cidery