Annings Fruit Cider


Picture of Annings Gold
Average Rating
Picture of Crushed Mixed Berries
Average Rating
Picture of Elderflower & Cucumber
Average Rating
Picture of Passion fruit & Mango
Average Rating
Picture of Pear & Mint
Average Rating
Picture of Pear & Peach
Average Rating
Picture of Pink Grapefruit and Pineapple
Picture of Strawberry & Lyme
Average Rating
Picture of Westcountry Gold
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

RichardH22 (1871) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Westcountry gold is a semi dry cider with a clean, crisp and refreshing english orchard identity. When... [more]
Reviewed on 15 May 2024
RichardH22 (1871) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Refreshing, slightly sparkling fruity cider with a definitive passion fruit flavour and a mango after taste... [more]
Reviewed on 05 Sep 2023
IanWhitlock (1638) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Pleasant tropical aroma, mild carbonation. Distinct taste of pineapple cut through with grapefruit which... [more]
RichardH22 (1871) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Light golden colour, quite a sweet floral taste. Produced on the jurassic coast in Devon
Reviewed on 24 Jul 2022
Jenfarny (44) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 06 May 2021