
Owned by H P Bulmer - Bulmers (UK)


Herefordshire, United Kingdom


Picture of Inch’s Medium Apple Cider
Picture of Stonehouse
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

O246802 (6) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 27 Jun 2024
Peta-Libbymob (93) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Drank on tap. Yellow gold clear cider that tastes like Golden Delicious apples. Leaves a lot of sugar on... [more]
Reviewed on 15 May 2024
berty30 (1445) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 29 Nov 2023
Ciderfans123 (10) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Go- to day to day cider
Reviewed on 11 Nov 2023
Happles (88) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
It’s alright; quite sweet. Wouldn’t throw it away but not a go to.
Reviewed on 01 Jul 2023