Inch's, HEF, UK

picture of Inch's Inch’s Medium Apple Cider submitted by ChristianHoult
picture of Inch's Inch’s Medium Apple Cider submitted by ChristianHoult

Inch’s Medium Apple Cider

ABV: 4.5%

Semi-sweet, and smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer cidrtikmick
cidrtikmick (2219) said:
Golden, clear, sweetish, long lasting head, looks better than it tastes. I might have appreciated it more outside in summer.
Reviewed on 31 Jan 2022
reviewer Judge
Judge (19859) said:
Golden colour, clear with moderate fizz. The only available offering in the pub. Made from concentrate. Light mineral aroma. Crisp apple flavour. A bit chemically. It’s fizzy liquid.
Reviewed on 27 Nov 2021

reviewer RedTed
RedTed (988) said:
Basic. There is no wow in this drinkable cider. I feel it is on the sweet side of medium. The apple taste feels contrived. One now and again is nice but it is not a big night cider.
Reviewed on 22 Aug 2021
reviewer RorySkywalker
RorySkywalker (680) said:
This stuff has grown on me. When I first had it, in the Saracen’s Head in Worcester (UK) on draft, the jury was out! But since - and sometimes because there was nothing else - I’ve had Inch’s. It’s on a massive marketing drive at the moment, with the mighty Heineken behind it, thrusting this cider under all of our noses. Speaking of its nose, it’s fairly light and non existent but its taste is where it counts. Inch’s declares it’s a medium cider, but I’d sway it more towards medium-sweet - and let’s face it, it’s aimed at the 18-34 demographic. Inch’s has a lovely golden amber colour, light fizz and a caramel and vanilla kick on first sip - then the apple follows through - and it delivers - and the caramel and vanilla kicks on again. It’s another Herefordshire cider so you can’t go wrong really - it’s short to medium in length with a pleasant aftertaste. I sat at the Malvern Spa sipping this all day on Monday - and was very happy. I’d give it 4/5 if it wasn’t quite as sweet - and I’d love them to produce a dry version - but let’s face it - there’s surely more side products down the line once this initial launch is completed? (My guess is a ‘dark’ version and more fruit based entires, it’ll do well at the festivals!). Inch’s was a small set up that’s now gone mass-produced (so I believe) - and I’m sure it’ll continue to grab it’s market share. At 4.5% you can keep going on this stuff, but don’t expect anything too complex. It’s mass-produced now so very much tastes of alcoholic apple juice.
Reviewed on 09 Aug 2022
reviewer berty30
berty30 (1583) said:
Reviewed on 29 Nov 2023
reviewer Happles
Happles (88) said:
It’s alright; quite sweet. Wouldn’t throw it away but not a go to.
Reviewed on 01 Jul 2023
reviewer hearth
hearth (12) said:
Unsurprisingly, it just tastes like fizzy alcoholic concentrate. Not objectionable as a drink - actually the alcohol makes it more pleasant than regular apple concentrate - but not exactly a drink I would be keen to drink if there exist other options.
Reviewed on 22 May 2023
reviewer RichardH22
RichardH22 (1945) said:
Light golden colour with a sweet apple juice concentrate flavor. It's ok, maybe more refreshing on a summers day?
Reviewed on 01 Dec 2022
reviewer Mat-Owl
Mat-Owl (155) said:
A typical apple juice taste. Seems to be stronger in alcohol than it actually is, with an acidic after taste, this is a good solid cider although this is decent it is also a little underwhelming.
Reviewed on 06 Oct 2022
reviewer Peta-Libbymob
Peta-Libbymob (93) said:
Drank on tap. Yellow gold clear cider that tastes like Golden Delicious apples. Leaves a lot of sugar on the palate but certainly a cider that can be drunk if there is nothing new or better on tap.
Reviewed on 15 May 2024
1 like
reviewer O246802
O246802 (6) said:
Reviewed on 27 Jun 2024
reviewer Ciderfans123
Ciderfans123 (10) said:
Go- to day to day cider
Reviewed on 11 Nov 2023

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