La Familia Hard Cider


Picture of Coconut Lime
Average Rating
Picture of Guava
Average Rating
Picture of Guayaba
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Picture of Jamaica
Average Rating
Picture of Jamaican Hibiscus
Average Rating
Picture of La Nina Fresa
Average Rating
Picture of Manzana
Average Rating
Picture of No Manges Guey
Average Rating
Picture of Pina Brumosa
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Picture of Tamarindo
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

MoJo (1378) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
tart (similar to a cranberry juice) with floral and fruity sweetness
Reviewed on 08 Aug 2021
laurinwanderland (515) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
This is a semi-sweet cider inspired by old world recipes from Mexico. It’s a pink-tinted cider with a floral... [more]
Reviewed on 28 Mar 2021