Sharps Orchard Cornish cider


Picture of Cold river
Average Rating
Picture of Orchard
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

Peta-Libbymob (93) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Drank this one on tap. Nice carbonation, not too sweet. Very refreshing and easy to drink. Very pale yellow... [more]
Reviewed on 16 May 2024
Shane (16) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Sort of refreshing Glad to here one of the pubs I go to in Wales is planning to get rid of this one. Only... [more]
Reviewed on 04 Jul 2023
RorySkywalker (672) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Not a lot under the nose on this one except apple notes and a hint of peach. Taste? It’spretty average... [more]
Reviewed on 10 Apr 2023
juliepowell30 (135) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Better than I expected, Sweet and sparkling everyday cider
Reviewed on 24 Feb 2023
IanWhitlock (1638) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Very refreshing Cornish cider. Light carbonation, sweet apple aroma and thirst killing wonderful apple... [more]