Cairn o Mhor, PKN, UK

picture of Cairn o Mhor Pictish Scottish Berry submitted by BushWalker
picture of Cairn o Mhor Pictish Scottish Berry submitted by BushWalker

Pictish Scottish Berry

ABV: 4.5%
500 ml serving:

Cider with s'berry, r'berry and e'flower. Semi-sweet, and having full body.

Taste Properties


reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13101) said:
Rosy copper colour, with an aroma of elderflower, carrying a hint of strawberry and raspberry leaf. The flavour is a combination of elderflower and raspberry, and is not too sweet. The recipe includes a little fresh ginger, and this is hinted at in the finish. Quite a pleasant fruit cider, without over-sweetening, and with a good balance of natural flavours.
Reviewed on 30 Dec 2019


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