Orchard Pig, SOM, UK

picture of Orchard Pig Truffler submitted by BushWalker
picture of Orchard Pig Truffler submitted by BushWalker


ABV: 6.0%
500 ml serving:

Dry, and smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer RorySkywalker
RorySkywalker (717) said:
This is a really nice, light dry cider. There isn’t much aroma, a slight earthy hint and some caramel. It’s a dry cider but on the sweeter side of ‘dry’ but not a medium cider either. It’s a golden yellow colour with light fizz. It’s quite tangy with a caramel swish. This cider has quite a short to medium length with a medium body and light tannins. It’s typically ‘Somerset’ and very pleasant. At 6.0%ABV you could session on this cider. It’s very nice and I would buy it again. 4/5.
Reviewed on 02 Oct 2023
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reviewer RichardH22
RichardH22 (1982) said:
Dry, smooth tasting with a very noticeable apple taste.
Reviewed on 20 Mar 2023
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reviewer lizsavage
lizsavage (1891) said:
Let me say I was warned. I was told no one likes it because it doesn't sell. However, it wasn't awful. I seem to be doing a great job drinking it. It isn't interfering with my meal, so I think that is a positive note.
Reviewed on 17 Jul 2015
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reviewer IrishCiders
IrishCiders (67) said:
a beautifully crafted cider, quite fruity and well catbonated with sufficent apple notes
Reviewed on 05 Sep 2017
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
I was hoping that the light carbonation would mean a more complex flavour would develop in the mouth; it did not. However, it's pleasantly dry, with some mild "funk" in the flavour, and a hint of malt in the nose. Perfectly acceptable Somerset cider.
Reviewed on 17 Jun 2017

reviewer OxfordFarmhouse
OxfordFarmhouse (704) said:
A nice cider but not as good as Reveller.
Reviewed on 29 Nov 2015

Other ciders from Orchard Pig