Stonewell Cider


Picture of Dry Irish craft cider
Average Rating
Picture of Medium Dry Irish Craft Cider
Picture of Rós
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

PricklyCider (4932) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
The pour is a pale yellow (almost a silver) with medium carbonation. The aroma is a bit sour (rhubarb)... [more]
Reviewed on 29 Jan 2024
ThomasM (926) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Stonewell Medium Dry Irish Craft Cider (5.5% ABV, 500ml). Another cider from Cork, made from regionally... [more]
Reviewed on 22 Oct 2023
ThomasM (926) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Stonewell Dry Irish Craft Cider (5.5%, 500ml). You can tell it's not an English or Scottish cider because... [more]
Reviewed on 09 Oct 2023
Max (8) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
I really liked it.
Reviewed on 18 May 2023
Tlachance (1110) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
A clear amber pour with the smell of sweet apples on the nose and medium carbonation. This is a delicious... [more]
Reviewed on 18 Jul 2022

Approximate location of cidery