Ampleforth Abbey

Ampleforth Abbey

Ampleforth, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Distribution range: Regional


Main tasting room: Ampleforth Abbey


Picture of Ampleforth Abbey Cider
Average Rating
Picture of Ampleforth Premium
Average Rating
Picture of Traditional Sparkling Cider

Recent Reviews

cidrtikmick (2051) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
First time I've come across Ampleforth in a pub, clearly I live in the wrong city. I do have a soft spot... [more]
Reviewed on 26 Mar 2024
juliepowell30 (135) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Tart sweet cider
Reviewed on 02 May 2023
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Dark golden colour, clear and lightly sparkling. Green apple and pomace aroma. Fresh eating apple flavour... [more]
Reviewed on 29 Oct 2022
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Golden colour, clear with moderate light fizz. Made from cooking and eating apples Dry leather aroma. Flavour... [more]
Reviewed on 02 Oct 2022
Judge (19594) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Dark gold, still and a bit of haziness. Earthy aroma. Slightly tart at the start bit finishes with slightly... [more]

Tasting Room: Ampleforth Abbey