Gwynt y Ddraig Cider, RCT, UK

picture of Gwynt y Ddraig Cider Dabinett Welsh Cider submitted by BushWalker
picture of Gwynt y Ddraig Cider Dabinett Welsh Cider submitted by BushWalker

Dabinett Welsh Cider

ABV: 6.0%
500 ml serving:

English style cider. Semi-sweet, smooth tasting, and having mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer ThomasM
ThomasM (926) said:
Gwynt Y Ddraig Dabinett (6% ABV, 500ml). A single varietal offering from the Welsh cidery. No sweeteners nor colourings. Pours a bright, clear yellow golden. Light aroma of moderately sweet apples and floral notes. Medium body, soft carbonation. Yellow apples and, again, floral notes, on the palate. Limited acidity, more like softly sweet with mild tannins in the finish. Very weak floral aftertaste with hints of sweetness. I liked this one more than the first time around; it's a fresh-faced, light apple cider that won't offend anyone, but it's also very limited on the palate and doesn't have much depth. Full-bodied, as the company claims, its certainly not. 6.5/10.
Reviewed on 12 Nov 2023
reviewer berty30
berty30 (1445) said:
Reviewed on 21 Jan 2021
reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Gilden and clear. Floral aroma. Light, crisp, and a hint if honey with the floral flavour coming through. A bit less carbonation would be good.
Reviewed on 20 Jul 2019
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13103) said:
Golden in colour, with a fresh, crisp apple aroma and floral tones. Light, fruity flavour with floral and honeyed notes. Very drinkable and refreshing.
Reviewed on 01 Feb 2018

Other ciders from Gwynt y Ddraig Cider