Tutts Clump, WBK, UK

picture of Tutts Clump Special Reserve submitted by BushWalker
picture of Tutts Clump Special Reserve submitted by BushWalker

Special Reserve

ABV: 6.0%
500 ml serving:

English style cider. Dry, very tart, and somewhat astringent.

Taste Properties


reviewer cidrtikmick
cidrtikmick (2390) said:
Had bag in box, yellow, VERY astringent. I prefer a slightly challenging cider to a bland one but this is too extreme.
Reviewed on 09 Feb 2021

reviewer berty30
berty30 (1640) said:
pale yellow in colour,dryish taste,bit tarty
Reviewed on 20 Feb 2022
reviewer Judge
Judge (20089) said:
Golden colour, lightly sparkling and slightly hazy. Aroma of apple peel and pomace. Flavour has some farmyard but is too vinegary.
Reviewed on 04 Apr 2021

1 like
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13104) said:
Pale yellow in colour, and with a cider vinegar and funk aroma. The flavour is sour and funky, but with little aftertaste. This style of cider just isn't a favourite for me. I had it with a strong cheddar, which made it passable.
Reviewed on 06 Oct 2017

Other ciders from Tutts Clump