Tutts Clump


Picture of Berkshire Diamond
Average Rating
Picture of Bradfield Cyder
Average Rating
Picture of Cranberry
Average Rating
Picture of dark fruit
Average Rating
Picture of Jazz
Average Rating
Picture of Kingston Black
Average Rating
Picture of Mango
Average Rating
Picture of Oldbury
Average Rating
Picture of Perry
Average Rating
Picture of Reading Gold
Average Rating
Picture of Royal Berkshire
Average Rating
Picture of Rum Cask
Average Rating
Picture of Scrumpy
Average Rating
Picture of Special Reserve
Average Rating
Picture of strawberry
Average Rating
Picture of The Legend
Average Rating
Picture of Traditional Farmhouse
Average Rating
Picture of tutts clump medium sweet cranberry cider
Picture of tutts clump rhubarb fruit cider
Picture of Tutts Clumper
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

RichardH22 (1871) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
A cloudy dark amber colour to this cider with some sediment made from Kingston black cider apples. Naturally... [more]
Reviewed on 01 Dec 2023
GaryG (1039) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Golden clear cider with not carbonation. Smells of toffee apple probably due to the hint of rum. Very... [more]
Reviewed on 01 Nov 2023
Imp (352) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Medium still cider drunk from bag in box at Newark Beer Festival. Complex cider using eating and crab apples... [more]
Reviewed on 26 May 2023
Imp (352) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Medium still cider drunk from bag in box at Newark Beer Festival. Slightly astringent but refreshing.
Reviewed on 26 May 2023
berty30 (1445) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 03 Jul 2022

Approximate location of cidery