Cider Corps, AZ, US

picture of Cider Corps USS Grapple submitted by PricklyCider
picture of Cider Corps USS Grapple submitted by PricklyCider

USS Grapple

ABV: 10.0%

Cider with grape tangerine , sulfite free. Dry, and moderately bitter.

Taste Properties


reviewer PricklyCider
PricklyCider (5020) said:
The pour is a clear golden yellow with low effervescence. The aroma is tangerine/fruity and alcohol. The taste is a dry acidic and fruity. It is vinous. The mouthfeel is medium bodied. It has some bitterness and astringency but not excessive. The finish is long with some acid and grape and floral notes at the end. It’s quite enjoyable.
Reviewed on 18 Aug 2021


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