Aston Manor Cider Mill, HEF, UK

picture of Aston Manor Cider Mill Kings Apple Cider submitted by Judge
picture of Aston Manor Cider Mill Kings Apple Cider submitted by Judge

Kings Apple Cider

ABV: 5.5%
568 ml serving:

Dry, and having full body.

Taste Properties


reviewer cidrtikmick
cidrtikmick (2056) said:
Clear, pale golden, fruity, refreshing. Sadly I forgot this years Brunswick beer and cider festival, but there's always so many on you'd hardly notice.
Reviewed on 26 Jul 2023

reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Golden colour, clear and still. Light apple aroma with a hint of brandy. Nice apple flavour. Soft and smooth.
Reviewed on 28 May 2023


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