picture of ANXO District Kosher submitted by Cideristas
picture of ANXO District Kosher submitted by Cideristas

District Kosher

ABV: 6.9%

Dry, smooth tasting, and mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer KariB
KariB (11013) said:
Crisp and acidic. Dry. Light bodied. Heavy carbonation. Nice juicy and wet apple flavor.
Reviewed on 23 Mar 2021
reviewer Cideristas
Cideristas (6054) said:
District Kosher (Kosher for Passover), made of Northern Spy apples, is dry and easy to drink. Light yellow pour. Another delicious offering from Anxo.
Reviewed on 29 Dec 2020
reviewer miki
miki (443) said:
Kosher for Passover? I wasn't even aware Anxo had a hechsher- I had to go to their website to find out it's DC Kosher through Ohev Shalom (the National Synagogue). I was finally able to locate it on the bottom of the back of the can. Ok, fine, I'm not a stickler. I am more interested in the appellation "apple wine." I crack it open and it's not a big departure from what I've had from Anxo in the past. I was worried they might think "Passover- we gotta go sweet." On the other hand, I don't really feel like it is really playing to the holiday either- the least they could have done is suggested a food pairing or maybe a nod to charoset. It seems like it would be fine with brisket or chicken, if they wanted to really capitalize, they should come up with a way to braise something with it.
Reviewed on 24 Apr 2021

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