Dorset Nectar, DOR, UK

picture of Dorset Nectar Hunny Bubble submitted by lwa04njw
picture of Dorset Nectar Hunny Bubble submitted by lwa04njw

Hunny Bubble

ABV: 3.8%
500 ml serving:

Cyser (honey), sweetened with honey, made with some organic ingredients. Sweet, plus smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer IanWhitlock
IanWhitlock (1638) said:
Unmistakable aroma of Dorset apples, absolutely wonderful. Slightly tart aftertaste, but a beautiful blend of apple and honey takes any astringent taste away. Having just returned from a break in Weymouth, this really takes me back. Highly recommended.
Reviewed on 24 Sep 2021

reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13103) said:
Dark golden colour, with a honeyed aroma and a little funk. Honeyed flavour, with a little fruit tang in the aftertaste. Pleasant and drinkable. Best cyser I've had so far, the sweetness being kept in balance nicely.
Reviewed on 04 Apr 2018

1 like
reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Deep amber colour, moderate fizz and hazy. Fresh grass aroma. Slight honey flavour along with apple peel. Thought it might be too sweet but itโ€™s nicely balanced.
Reviewed on 27 May 2019

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