Dorset Nectar, DOR, UK

picture of Dorset Nectar Mulled Cider submitted by BushWalker
picture of Dorset Nectar Mulled Cider submitted by BushWalker

Mulled Cider

ABV: 4.0%
750 ml serving:

Flavored with mulling spices and orange, sweetened with sugar, made with some organic ingredients. Sweet, and rich fruit aroma.

Taste Properties


reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
Comes in a 750 ml bottle, with some spice residue in the bottle. Amber in colour, with an aroma of orange and spices, particularly star anise and cloves. The flavour has strong tones of cinnamon, ginger, and orange, but the underlying cider is still discernible. Well-balanced, and one of the nicer mulled ciders I've tried. Not excessively sweet, either. Warming the cider brings out the spices more, particularly the cloves and cinnamon. Nice winter fireside drink!
Reviewed on 14 Apr 2018


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