Biddenden Vineyards

Biddenden Vineyards

Biddenden, Kent, United Kingdom

Order from the cidery

Order your cider from: Online shop for Biddenden Vineyards
Ships to these countries: United Kingdom


Picture of Biddies 5
Average Rating
Picture of Biddies 8
Average Rating
Picture of Biddies Kentish Kiss
Average Rating
Picture of Biddies Spartaruss
Average Rating
Picture of Bushels
Average Rating
Picture of Dry
Average Rating
Picture of Monk's Delight
Average Rating
Picture of Red Love
Average Rating
Picture of Special Reserve
Average Rating
Picture of Strong Kentish Cider Dry
Average Rating
Picture of Strong Kentish Cider Medium
Picture of Sweet
Average Rating
Picture of Vintage
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

berty30 (1641) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Reviewed on 12 Aug 2024
cidrtikmick (2417) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Virtually colourless, clear, medium dry, rather too carbonated for me. Not outstanding like their 8% dry... [more]
Reviewed on 11 Aug 2024
Judge (20129) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Light yellow colour, clear and still. Made from dessert and culinary apples. Light green apple aroma. Fresh... [more]
cidrtikmick (2417) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Pale golden, clear, fruity, quite sweet, their usual imitation of a white wine. Prefer the dry, but this... [more]
Judge (20129) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Pink colour, clear and still. Made from a ‘red fleshed’ apple which I’m presuming to be Red Love. Juicy... [more]

Approximate location of cidery