Lilley's Cider

Lilley's Cider

Frome, Somerset, United Kingdom


Picture of Apple & Blackberry
Average Rating
Picture of Apples & Pears
Average Rating
Picture of Bee Sting
Average Rating
Picture of Captain Lilleys Rum Cider
Average Rating
Picture of Cheeky Pig
Average Rating
Picture of Cherries & Berries
Average Rating
Picture of Chocolate Apple
Average Rating
Picture of Colider
Average Rating
Picture of Crafty pheasant
Average Rating
Picture of Crazy Ghost
Average Rating
Picture of Crazy Goat
Average Rating
Picture of Dark Cider
Average Rating
Picture of Elderflower
Average Rating
Picture of Fiery fox
Average Rating
Picture of Fire Dancer
Average Rating
Picture of Gingerbread
Average Rating
Picture of Gladiator
Average Rating
Picture of Lemon & Lime
Average Rating
Picture of Lilley's raspberry lemonade
Picture of Mango
Average Rating
Picture of Merry Monkey
Average Rating
Picture of Passion Fruit Martini
Average Rating
Picture of Peach
Average Rating
Picture of pear and raspberry
Average Rating
Picture of Pickled Parrot
Average Rating
Picture of Piña Colada
Average Rating
Picture of Pineapple Cider
Average Rating
Picture of Raspberry Lemonade
Average Rating
Picture of Red Rabbit
Average Rating
Picture of Rhubarb
Average Rating
Picture of Santa
Average Rating
Picture of Select
Average Rating
Picture of Somerset Scrumpy
Average Rating
Picture of Star Gazer
Average Rating
Picture of Strawberry Cider
Average Rating
Picture of Sunset
Average Rating
Picture of tropical
Average Rating
Picture of Whisky Cask
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Picture of Wild Dog
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Picture of Woo Woo
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

cidrtikmick (2051) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Complex fruitiness, I thought it tasted more of melon than apples or pears. As another reviewer said, it's... [more]
pubgypsy (1127) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
LILLEY’S SELECT Label states:- Somerset Cider Medium Dry, Lightly Sparkled 4.8% Lilley’s Select Select... [more]
Reviewed on 29 Jun 2024
IanWhitlock (1638) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
A berry burst with a zing of Lemon. Lilley’s Somerset Cider mixed with raspberry and lemon juice to create... [more]
Reviewed on 31 May 2024
IanWhitlock (1638) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
A full bodied, cloudy traditional cider. It has a golden rustic appearance and is packed full of character... [more]
Reviewed on 31 May 2024
Peta-Libbymob (93) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
The more you drink this style of cider the more it grows on you. Light amber colour and a bit cloudy. Very... [more]

Approximate location of cidery