Gwatkin Cider Company, HEF, UK

picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Cloudy Cider submitted by Judge
picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Cloudy Cider submitted by Judge

Cloudy Cider

ABV: 4.5%
500 ml serving:

English style cider, sweetened with sugar. Sweet, smooth tasting, and having mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer GaryG
GaryG (1292) said:
On the ass end of a cider festival wanted to end on a high this was a good cider to end on. Rich well rounded cider on the sweeter side of the palet. The festival had it in bag in the box so there was no carbonation (certainly tyenhalf of tje half i remember wasn't after being in the fridge in a pint glass for one night). Would happily drink this again. Really good after taste.
Reviewed on 05 Nov 2022
reviewer Judge
Judge (20966) said:
Golden orange colour, moderate light fizz and moderate heavy cloudiness. Candied apple aroma. Fruity flavour with candy floss.
Reviewed on 09 Apr 2021

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