Gwatkin Cider Company, HEF, UK

picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Pyder submitted by BushWalker
picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Pyder submitted by BushWalker


ABV: 5.0%
500 ml serving:

Cider with pear, sweetened with sugar. Dry, rich fruit aroma, and medium tartness.

Taste Properties


reviewer cidrtikmick
cidrtikmick (2634) said:
Dark golden, clear, complex. Initial whisky taste gives way to almond finish. Gwatkin is not one of my favourite cideries, I've had quite a few that were too funky and turbid for me, but I could happily drink this all day. Had at Kidderminster beer festival.
Reviewed on 12 Nov 2023
reviewer Judge
Judge (20926) said:
Golden colour, lightly sparkling and clear. Made from a combination of apples and pears. Pear is more prominent in the aroma with some hay. Fruity with a little spice. Rich and smooth.
Reviewed on 17 Jan 2021
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
Amber-coloured, with an aroma of ripe fruit, oak, and a little straw. Rich, mellow flavour, with some light tannins, spice, and a little pear skin. Nicely drinkable, yet complex and characterful. This would go really well with a nutty cheddar and oatcakes.
Reviewed on 21 Aug 2018


Other ciders from Gwatkin Cider Company