Gwatkin Cider Company, HEF, UK

picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Kingston Black submitted by Riamonckton
picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Kingston Black submitted by Riamonckton

Kingston Black

ABV: 7.0%
500 ml serving:

English style cider. Dry, very bitter, with noticeable astringency.

Taste Properties


reviewer GaryG
GaryG (1292) said:
Cloudy brown colour like a muddy puddle (I added a photo). No carbonation. Funky aroma with a hint of straw or silage. Earthy notes at the start and sour throughout. An acidic hit at the end makes it dry and warming. This was the bag in the box variety and my review reqd very different from the other reviews. Bought at the Chepstow beer and cider festival 2024.
Reviewed on 29 Sep 2024
reviewer Riamonckton
Riamonckton (71) said:
Extremely dry and has a very full and strong taste. Not one of my favourite gwatkins I’d have to say. Wouldn’t choose again. But that is down to my personal preference towards a more medium taste.
Reviewed on 12 May 2018
reviewer Judge
Judge (20926) said:
Copper coloured, moderate haziness and lightly sparkling. Fruity aroma with some farmyard. Flavour has dried fruit.
Reviewed on 15 May 2021

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