Gwatkin Cider Company, HEF, UK

picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Thorn Perry submitted by BushWalker
picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Thorn Perry submitted by BushWalker

Thorn Perry

ABV: 6.5%
750 ml serving:

English-style perry. Dry, plus smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer Judge
Judge (20926) said:
Very pale white wine colour (heading towards water), clear and still. Single variety perry. Soft pear aroma. Watery flavour with a hint of vanilla. Smooth and buttery mouthfeel.
Reviewed on 11 Apr 2021
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
Comes in a 750 ml bottle. Very pale yellow, with some fruit in the aroma, but a definite sherry-like quality. The mouth feel is very like a wine, and the flavour surprisingly light, and also with a sherry-like aftertaste. Unusual, and not unpleasant, but disappointing compared to the other Gwatkin products I've tasted.
Reviewed on 16 Mar 2018


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