Gwatkin Cider Company, HEF, UK

picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Golden Valley Cider submitted by BushWalker
picture of Gwatkin Cider Company Golden Valley Cider submitted by BushWalker

Golden Valley Cider

ABV: 6.0%
500 ml serving:

English style cider. Semi-sweet, rich fruit aroma, and a little funky.

Taste Properties


reviewer GaryG
GaryG (1292) said:
Cloudy golden colour Sweet apple caramel aromas. Sweet apple flovour initially followed by caramel and acidic notes on the end. Very pleasant and easy drinking. Bought at the Chepstow ale and cider festival organised by the brilliant Glen.
Reviewed on 29 Sep 2023
reviewer Ian_Hunts
Ian_Hunts (427) said:
Proper decent real tasting cider. Full body & medium sweet. Light fizz. 6%. Cracking stuff.
Reviewed on 09 Aug 2021
reviewer Judge
Judge (20969) said:
Copper coloured, clear and still. Wood in the aroma. Flavour has rich apple and spice. Smooth and rich.
Reviewed on 16 Jan 2021
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
Vibrant bronze colour, with a strong of wood and earthy funk. Rich, mellow tannins and a strong pomace flavour, carrying through the aftertaste, with light spice and a moderate funk in the finish. Deep, complex, and with bags of character. An old fashioned, rustic cider, with the characteristic , rich Gwatkin flavour. Very drinkable.
Reviewed on 01 Oct 2018


Other ciders from Gwatkin Cider Company