Sandford Orchards, DEV, UK

picture of Sandford Orchards St Louis Dry Hopped submitted by BushWalker
picture of Sandford Orchards St Louis Dry Hopped submitted by BushWalker

St Louis Dry Hopped

ABV: 5.5%
330 ml serving:

Dry, and having medium tartness.

Taste Properties


reviewer DebzJ
DebzJ (19) said:
Close to a proper cider light cider, heavy flavour
Reviewed on 20 Aug 2020
reviewer Judge
Judge (20195) said:
Light golden colour, moderate light fizz and clear. Floral aroma. The taste has citrus in it and the hops come through well.
Reviewed on 19 Apr 2020

reviewer pubgypsy
pubgypsy (1130) said:
This "hopped" cider has a nice taste of hops, which is not for everyone. Key Apple Varieties. Coleman's Seedling, Golden Ball & Ellis Bitter. Tasted at Sandford Orchards, Crediton.
Reviewed on 01 Mar 2019
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13104) said:
Made with American Ella and Willamette hops, in collaboration with the Schlafly Brewery. Rich, golden colour, with an aroma which combines herbal and floral tones. Floral flavour, with citrus note, and an aftertaste rich in hops. If you like hopped ciders, this is a good one, and worthy of your attention.
Reviewed on 24 May 2018

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