Locust Cider, WA, US

image of cider
image of cider

Brandy Barrel

ABV: 13.0%

Dry, strongly astringent, and very bitter.

Taste Properties


reviewer Slainte
Slainte (715) said:
Dry, astringent and reeking of brandy...just totally not my taste. But, not as bad as the bell pepper cider, which is my standard of foulness. If you like to scorch your throat with your alcohol, you might like this. If you want something you can sip and savor, this is not it.
Reviewed on 31 Dec 2017
reviewer david
david (4878) said:
Tasting at Locust’s new tasting room in Seattle. Potent, but just too bitter for me.
Reviewed on 31 Dec 2017

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