Locust Cider, WA, US

picture of Locust Cider Dry submitted by herharmony23
picture of Locust Cider Dry submitted by herharmony23


ABV: 6.0%

Dry, plus smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer Blueap9562
Blueap9562 (514) said:
Dry and uneventful, but not NOT interesting. It has hints of what it comes from, and tastes nice and smooth from draft. Might be different in a can. Mellow but kind of seems like it lacks some more to it, but it’s on purpose? Idk. Nice dry cider.
Reviewed on 14 Mar 2024

reviewer herharmony23
herharmony23 (2599) said:
A really great dry cider. Quite flavourful for a dry.
Reviewed on 01 Feb 2018

reviewer Baptiste
Baptiste (255) said:
A rather bland unremarkable cider. One dimensional flavor. Perhaps it was on the tap too long.
Reviewed on 30 Jun 2017
1 like
reviewer lizsavage
lizsavage (1891) said:
Normally I don't like dry ciders but the nice Apple flavor made it a nice drink. I'll have another pint.
Reviewed on 25 Oct 2016
reviewer Slainte
Slainte (715) said:
A bit on the watery side, but it has a reasonably strong apple-pie aftertaste. Ok for a dry.
Reviewed on 25 Oct 2016
reviewer cidersays
cidersays (5172) said:
This had absolutely no flavor to me. I probably wouldn't of even been able to identify it as cider or containing alcohol, as it tasted so watered down. I also couldn't tell any difference between the Dry and Green Tea Infused varieties I tasted at the same time (tasting event).
Reviewed on 27 Aug 2015
reviewer Gabe462
Gabe462 (99) said:
Reminiscent of vinegar. Not one I'd drink often for pleasure, but the lack of sweetness gives me a few other attributes to be attentive to.
Reviewed on 20 Aug 2015

Other ciders from Locust Cider