Thatchers Cider Company, SOM, UK

picture of Thatchers Cider Company Green Goblin submitted by kiyose
picture of Thatchers Cider Company Green Goblin submitted by kiyose

Green Goblin

ABV: 5.0%
500 ml serving:

Flavored with oak barrel aged. Semi-sweet, smooth tasting, with mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer RorySkywalker
RorySkywalker (686) said:
Not much under the nose with this one - just a faint hint of something - whatever it is. Perhaps it’s the green goblin himself. The nose is fresh though - and light. Slightly peachy. It’s really sharp this cider, wonderful fizz to it. Is it dry? It says so on the label - and it is with an acidic edge to it, extremely refreshing. It’s light amber in colour, and orange-bronze when held up to the light. It’s also light-bodied. Taste wise there isn’t a lot under the hood but there is something about this cider that makes you want to take another sip - or mouthful! I normally would give 4/5 to a cider that didn’t have a ladleful of taste to it - but this could be a real session cider and I’d love to find it on tap somewhere. Bought this 500ml bottle in Morrison’s (a UK supermarket) in Bridport, Dorset. At 5%ABV you could have more than one and happily drink the night/day away.
Reviewed on 08 Apr 2023
reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13104) said:
Pale amber in colour, with a slightly sickly, cola aroma. Flavour is somewhat artificial. This is supposed to be oak-aged, but tastes like the aforementioned cola. Lacks any finish or character. Could drink this again, but really wouldn't choose to.
Reviewed on 10 Apr 2018

reviewer Kavi
Kavi (164) said:
Solid Cider. It tastes more dry with a good ampunt oft the apple sweet, has a light sparkling but is very good drinkable. For a 5% the booze is in the aftertaste quite remarkable with a light oakiness. Nothing to exciting, but also not bad at all.
Reviewed on 01 Mar 2023
reviewer Judge
Judge (20129) said:
Light golden colour, clear with light ish fizz but seems overly gassy. Fresh floral aroma. A little wood and pear drops in the flavour.
Reviewed on 30 Dec 2019

reviewer herharmony23
herharmony23 (2599) said:
This is cider-light, the first reaction I had. It's what I would call a 'beige'. Would go well with a meal as wouldn't conflict with other flavours and is absolutely not offensive in any way. Anyone would like this, seriously.
Reviewed on 21 Feb 2017
reviewer ThomasM
ThomasM (926) said:
Thatchers Green Goblin (5.0% ABV, 500ml), AFAIR, used to be Wychwood Green Goblin Oak Aged Cider, which was 6% or thereabouts - and which I had had quite a few times at home and at pubs in England in the early 2010s. I know Wychwood Brewery from their popular "Hobgoblin" ale which I've had numerous times at pubs in the past decade and a half. The "re-imagining" from Thatchers has a bright clear golden yellow colour. From the aroma it's immediately obvious that the Green Goblin is no longer an oak-aged cider (the oak notes in the Wychwood original were quite pronounced). In fact it's hard to pin down exactly what this is. It has a fairly weak aroma of slightly musty, faintly funky apples, a bit of yeast - and nothing more. Light to medium body, (too) lively carbonation. Apple peel, lemon and a bit of yeast on the palate, grassy notes. Same towards the finish. Mild sweetness in the finish initially, before it gets dry, and lemony again. Man, that carbonation is really annoying. No oak notes in this one anywhere. The fizzy industrial cider wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't have fond memories of the Wychwood original. Not even a pale shadow. Meh (4.5/10).
Reviewed on 20 Oct 2023
reviewer pubgypsy
pubgypsy (1130) said:
Produced by :- Thatchers Cider Co. Ltd, Somerset, BS25 5RA “ The Green Goblin came to Somerset following his love of bittersweet apples. He is believed to dance amongst the orchards to fight off evil spirits and protect our apples, but is rarely seen. Green Goblin is a full flavoured, bittersweet blend of apples, beautifully blended to give a fresh character with a medium dry finish”. 5% Vol. 500ml bottle.
Reviewed on 11 Aug 2019
reviewer missusblaze
missusblaze (140) said:
This cider is slightly dry with a little bit of an aftertaste. The aftertaste isn't disgusting or majorly strong but it is enough to remind you youve had a pint. An easy drinking cider, and I'd say maybe a good new experience into slightly drier ciders for a person who normally drinks berry/other fruit flavoured ciders.
Reviewed on 28 Nov 2017
reviewer RichardH22
RichardH22 (1946) said:
Sparkling, maybe verging on too gassy? Sharp taste, semi dry in my opinion. It's ok.
Reviewed on 28 Jan 2023
1 like
reviewer Ian_Hunts
Ian_Hunts (427) said:
Smooth, sweet & sharp. Pretty fizzy, but at 5% could easily sink a few
Reviewed on 23 Oct 2021
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reviewer Myopic_Celiac
Myopic_Celiac (57) said:
The oak in this cider comes in the scent and in a delightful aftertaste. The cider itself is nice and dry. I'm definitely a fan.
Reviewed on 04 Oct 2016
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reviewer lizsavage
lizsavage (1890) said:
I liked this even though it smells like your at the beauty shop getting a perm. Has a Jolly Rancheresque apple flavor.
Reviewed on 26 Jul 2016
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Other ciders from Thatchers Cider Company