Thatchers Cider Company

Thatchers Cider Company

Sandford, Somerset, United Kingdom
Distribution range: International


Main tasting room: Thatchers Cider


Picture of Apple and Blackcurrant
Average Rating
Picture of Blood Orange
Average Rating
Picture of Cheddar Valley
Average Rating
Picture of Cloudy lemon
Average Rating
Picture of Dark Berry
Average Rating
Picture of Gold
Average Rating
Picture of Green Goblin
Average Rating
Picture of Heritage Hand Pulled Cider
Picture of Katy
Average Rating
Picture of Old Rascal
Average Rating
Picture of Rascal
Average Rating
Picture of Rose
Average Rating
Picture of spiced apple
Average Rating
Picture of Stan's Barrel Roller
Average Rating
Picture of Stans Big Apple
Average Rating
Picture of Stans Cheddar Valley
Average Rating
Picture of Stan's Leaf Twister
Average Rating
Picture of Stans Trad
Average Rating
Picture of Summer Vintage
Average Rating
Picture of thatchers blood orange
Average Rating
Picture of Thatcher's Haze
Average Rating
Picture of Thatchers Vintage 2018 Oak Cider
Picture of thatchers vintage 2021
Average Rating
Picture of Vintage 2019
Average Rating
Picture of Vintage 2020
Average Rating
Picture of Vintage 2021
Average Rating
Picture of Vintage 2022
Average Rating
Picture of Zero
Average Rating
+ Ciders no longer in Production
2015 Vintage
Average Rating
Oak Aged Vintage 2017
Average Rating

Recent Reviews

IanWhitlock (1638) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Stan's Cheddar Valley is a robust medium dry cloudy cider. The blend of Full-bodied Dabinett and Tremlett's... [more]
Reviewed on 31 May 2024
PricklyCider (4932) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
The pour is a carbonated clear silver. The aromas is sour apple. The taste is a semi-dry slightly tart... [more]
Reviewed on 25 May 2024
Peta-Libbymob (93) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Not an outstanding cider but very drinkable. Drank on tap. Had a good fizz, no funk, not too sweet and... [more]
Reviewed on 15 May 2024
IanWhitlock (1638) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Beautiful new cider from Thatchers of Somerset. Wonderful sweet apple aroma with a strong hint of cinnamon... [more]
Reviewed on 03 May 2024
berty30 (1445) rated and reviewed
Average Rating
Strong, sharp,apple
Reviewed on 03 Mar 2024

Tasting Room: Thatchers Cider