Hogan's Cider, WAR, UK

picture of Hogan's Cider Hazy Daisey submitted by cidersays
picture of Hogan's Cider Hazy Daisey submitted by cidersays

Hazy Daisey

ABV: 3.9%

Semi-sweet, smooth tasting, and having strong fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer Jenfarny
Jenfarny (44) said:
Nice, slight aftertaste. Not for my personal taste.
Reviewed on 06 May 2021
reviewer cidersays
cidersays (5172) said:
The flavor is very mild, apple and citrus forward. This would be a perfect summer session cider, and possibly my favorite from Hogan's so far oddly enough (I've also tried Medium Cider and Picker’s Passion), as it had a bit less sourness (especially compared to the Medium). Only hints of sourness and funk. I enjoyed it.
Reviewed on 22 Apr 2017
1 like
reviewer herharmony23
herharmony23 (2599) said:
This was my favourite UK cider of all the ones I had the pleasure to sample during July 2015. Dark and cloudy, semi sweet, rich flavour. And it was ubiqitous throughout the villages we visited.
Reviewed on 08 Aug 2015
reviewer lizsavage
lizsavage (1891) said:
This English cider is nice and light and semi sweet. The lack of carbonation is made up by the flavor of the cider.
Reviewed on 25 Jul 2015

Other ciders from Hogan's Cider