Hogan's Cider, WAR, UK

picture of Hogan's Cider Hogan's Cider submitted by Judge
picture of Hogan's Cider Hogan's Cider submitted by Judge

Hogan's Cider

ABV: 4.8%
568 ml serving:

Dry, with noticeable astringency.

Taste Properties


reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Golden colour, lightly sparkling and clear. Juicy and fruity.
Reviewed on 15 Jun 2022

reviewer IanWhitlock
IanWhitlock (1638) said:
Very nice Warwickshire cider. Wonderful golden colour and a taste to match. Light carbonation which only adds to the pleasant apple only taste. At 4.8% a perfect session drink.
Reviewed on 26 Sep 2022


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