Sheppy's, SOM, UK

picture of Sheppy's Fallstaff Cider submitted by ThomasM
picture of Sheppy's Fallstaff Cider submitted by ThomasM

Fallstaff Cider

ABV: 5.6%
500 ml serving:

English style cider. Semi-sweet, very tart, and moderate bitterness.

Taste Properties


reviewer ThomasM
ThomasM (927) said:
Sheppy's Falstaff Cider (5.6% ABV, 500ml). As the name suggests, this is a single varietal cider made only from Falstaff apples in Somerset, without any sweeteners or added aromas. Falstaff is actually a hybrid of Golden Delicious, a popular dessert apple. Pale clear yellow in colour, not a lot of bubbling going on. The nose reveals moderate vinegar, rather mild ripe apples, a whiff of floral notes. Light body, more carbonation that the few bubbles indicated. Rather watery. Palate is equal parts red apples and vinegar, with the latter becoming more dominant, plus beeswax. Increasingly tart and sour, with a dry-ish, lemony finish. Mild aftertaste of apple skins, now-fainter vinegar. A little thin and one-dimensional, maybe choosing a single apple variety wasn't such a good idea in this case. 5.5/10.
Reviewed on 15 Oct 2023

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