Westons Cider, HEF, UK

picture of Westons Cider Cloudy Vintage 2019 submitted by Judge
picture of Westons Cider Cloudy Vintage 2019 submitted by Judge

Cloudy Vintage 2019

ABV: 7.3%
500 ml serving:

Dry, smooth tasting, and having mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer cidrtikmick
cidrtikmick (2051) said:
Truth be told mine is the 2020 vintage but probably very similar. I didn't dispense all the sediment so clearer than intended. Refreshing, medium dry.
Reviewed on 16 May 2021

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reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Yellow colour, very cloudy with moderate fizz. Aroma of ripe apple. Plenty of oak in the flavour.
Reviewed on 11 Dec 2020
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