Westons Cider, HEF, UK

picture of Westons Cider Pear Cider submitted by BushWalker
picture of Westons Cider Pear Cider submitted by BushWalker

Pear Cider

ABV: 7.3%
500 ml serving:

English-style perry. Dry, smooth tasting, and mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer Judge
Judge (20927) said:
Light yellow, clear, with a touch too much fizz. Made by Westons for M & S. Light leather aroma. Hay flavour with a little funk and overwhelming lime.
Reviewed on 18 Jan 2020

reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13106) said:
Made by Weston's for Marks & Spencer. Pale yellow in colour, with a meadow and leather aroma. The taste is of overripe pear, with straw and a little funk, and the aftertaste brings a little tannic bitterness. Slightly disappointing, I have to say. Drinkable, but I like my perry a little fresher and sharper than this.
Reviewed on 29 Nov 2017

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