Westons Cider, HEF, UK

picture of Westons Cider Henry Weston’s Medium Dry Organic Cider submitted by Judge
picture of Westons Cider Henry Weston’s Medium Dry Organic Cider submitted by Judge

Henry Weston’s Medium Dry Organic Cider

ABV: 6.0%
500 ml serving:

Dry, smooth tasting, with mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer RichardH22
RichardH22 (1982) said:
Golden colour with a mild fruit and honey taste. Seems quite mature/smokey. Really like it and will have again.
Reviewed on 25 Feb 2023
reviewer berty30
berty30 (1707) said:
medium dry,with a fruity flavour
Reviewed on 28 Jul 2022
reviewer Judge
Judge (20966) said:
Golden, clear and light fizz. Honey aroma. Oak flavour. Crisp, smooth & refreshing.
Reviewed on 10 May 2020

reviewer RorySkywalker
RorySkywalker (717) said:
(May 31 2023 update) - Lovely nose on this one! One of the best of the Weston’s entries in terms of aroma. You’ll smell the earth with this one, the farmyard, the manure, the pulp, the apples, it’s so complex and I love it. It’s funky, pungent and delightful. The aroma is fluid and clear - just flows out of the glass. It certainly is organic. Almost a caramel like taste on first sip. Almost a still cider, very deep with flavour, complex and interesting, like nothing I’ve had before. Taste lingers all around your mouth, earthy and punchy at first, then very light. It’s tart and dry with a bitter sweetness. Amber-gold in colour. This cider is a real treat. This is a solid, mature cider - to be enjoyed on its own with some nice chilli crisps or strong cheddar. A perfect Friday night cider this one. 6% ABV, definitely medium dry as described with a smooth, almost silk like taste on the palate. A good find. Highly recommended. 4/5 as I feel the flavour just slightly thins too early and if it had just something a tad more, It’s also slight on the sweet side and you can taste the peel of the apple skin. It’s very rewarding. Very strong caramel taste in the middle to aftertaste with a hint of vanilla. The taste is sharper than the Henry Weston’s Vintage with more tartness and a hint more bitterness. Overall, a solid 4/5. Not much to complain about here. Almost a 5/5 but not quite.
Reviewed on 13 May 2022

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