Westons Cider, HEF, UK

picture of Westons Cider Herefordshire Cider submitted by BushWalker
picture of Westons Cider Herefordshire Cider submitted by BushWalker

Herefordshire Cider

ABV: 4.5%
440 ml serving:

Semi-sweet, smooth tasting, with mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13103) said:
Made for Marks & Spencers, but not sure why, from either perspective. Comes in a 440 ml can. Orangey-amber colour, with a slightly candied apricot and pineapple aroma. The flavour carries tones of pineapple, sherbet, and toffee apple, with a candy finish. Not sure what Weston's thought they were doing here, as this is nowhere near their usual standard, and, whilst not actually unpleasant, it is for emergencies only.
Reviewed on 13 Jul 2018

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