Westons Cider, HEF, UK

picture of Westons Cider English vintage cider 2020 submitted by RedTed
picture of Westons Cider English vintage cider 2020 submitted by RedTed

English vintage cider 2020

ABV: 6.8%
500 ml serving:

English style cider, sulfite free. Dry, and smooth tasting.

Taste Properties


reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Yellow colour, lightly sparkling and clear. Fruity aroma with a little wood. Apple peel flavour with oak, toffee and a little funk. Easy to drink.
Reviewed on 19 Feb 2022

reviewer RedTed
RedTed (987) said:
This is the kind of cider that will creep up on you. There is no initial wow factor to it. There is nice crisp fruit taste with a slight funk & puckering. It's not dry but not sweet however it is very drinkable...and so is the second one...and the third one and fourth. At that stage you know you have a very tasty little cider on your hands...and I'll be back for more.
Reviewed on 18 Sep 2021

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