Westons Cider, HEF, UK

picture of Westons Cider Henry Weston's Perry submitted by BushWalker
picture of Westons Cider Henry Weston's Perry submitted by BushWalker

Henry Weston's Perry

ABV: 7.4%
500 ml serving:

English-style perry. Dry, smooth tasting, and mild fruit taste.

Taste Properties


reviewer Andy
Andy (22) said:
A delicious slightly sparkling Perry. A good alternative to white wine. Perfect on a sunny afternoon or as an accompaniment to a spicy curry.
Reviewed on 15 Mar 2023
reviewer ThomasM
ThomasM (926) said:
(Tasted on September 29, 2023) Henry Westons "Slowly Aged" Perry (7.4% ABV, 500ml). Very pale clear yellow, reminds me of a Sauvignon Blanc. Aroma of pears and floral notes, some acidity, some faint vanilla. Mild carbonation. Sweetish pears and honey at the start, with lemony notes coming in a bit later, Finishes with a drier taste, leaves or pear skins, leading to a short, floral finish. This one doesn't say anything about oak maturation, just "slowly matured". Not unlike a medium dry prosecco. Not bad, but I'll probably stick with the apple ciders (17 different ones coming, hopefully next week). 6/10.
Reviewed on 10 Oct 2023
reviewer Judge
Judge (19594) said:
Very pale yellow, clear with mild ish fizz. Aroma of light wood. Pear drop flavour. Light and refreshing.
Reviewed on 04 Jan 2020

reviewer BushWalker
BushWalker (13103) said:
Pale greenish-yellow, and a light pear aroma, with a hint of wood. Mellow and smooth, with good fruity pear flavour, and some skin in the aftertaste. Refreshing and easy to drink, and way more alcoholic than it tastes. Lacks a little depth and complexity, perhaps, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Reviewed on 22 Feb 2018


Other ciders from Westons Cider